Ornament Wreath

Posted: December 5, 2012 in Crafts
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I have a board on Pinterest aptly named “If I Was Crafty”. I say aptly named because I don’t consider myself crafty. At all. And yet I find myself perusing Pinterest thinking, “I could totally do that”. Which then leads to me showing whatever project it is to my husband, scoffing at his “Are you sure you can do that?”, perusing Hobby Lobby, returning home with a crapton of crafting supplies, and said crafting supplies sitting in the closet for months while I go back and forth on whether to return them or risk tears of frustration and tackle the project.

This time I chose to tackle. Brian Urlacher style.

Nest Handmade: Ornament Wreath

(pinned here)

Nailed It/Failed It: Ornament Wreath


Nailed it. I don’t want to brag, but this was my first time using a hot glue gun, and I escaped burn free. I realize it’s not perfect, but my best friend told me it looks professionally done (which is why she’s my best friend), so I’m going with it. Seriously though, if I can handle this project, you can handle this project.


I was going to fill with leaves like in the original, but I had already invested about 4 hours of my life to watching glue dry. And my ribbon is super sad because I was too lazy to dig out the spool so I just worked with what I had pre-cut.




Original project from Nest Handmade.

  1. Looks beautiful!
    ~Nest Handmade

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